United Church of God

Feast announcement for Cincinnati--banquet meals

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Feast announcement for Cincinnati--banquet meals


Feast time is fast approaching!  300 people have registered to attend
in Cincinnati.  As in past years, a Buffet Dinner will be held after services
on the First Holy Day, October 5, at 5:00 .  The cost per meal is $22.00 for
adults, children 5-10, $14.00, and children under 5 are free.  Please send
your checks to :
Debbie Kuhns
Box 115
Paris, Ohio
44669, and make them payable to United Church of God.

And, the Senior Citizens’ luncheon will be held on Monday, Oct. 9 and the cost is $22.00 per meal.  There will be a luncheon on the 8th day, also at the cost of $22.00.  You may pay for all of these meals in advance if you wish.  Please specify which of the meals you are paying for.