United Church of God

Place the Fall Holy Days First

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Place the Fall Holy Days First

MP3 Audio (9.02 MB)


Place the Fall Holy Days First

MP3 Audio (9.02 MB)

Pastor Bart Bornhorst combines the Godly trait of “being prepared” with placing the Fall Holy Days first, by detailing several areas and ways in which we can set priorities in preparing for these upcoming Feasts.

Sermon Notes

As we prepare for the Feast, we have to see the importance of being prepared.

Right now God is busy preparing the Fall Holy Days for our arrival.  God is preparing our accomodations and the messages for our profit to draw closer to Him.

Exo. 23:20

Duet. 12:5 → God chooses a place where He wants us to go.

God is working and planning ahead of time for the place we go to worship Him.  How important is it for us to be prepared.

Before every Sabbath and Feast Day, there is a day of preparation for the Sabbath so we can keep it as intended.  To keep it as a day of rest.

Luke 12:35 → Make sure your belts are tightened and live our life prepared.

Are we ready now for Jesus Christ's’ return?  If events change in the world, will we be ready.  

Plan to be Prepared for the Fall Holy Days.

Study and Meditate on the Fall Holy Days.

Search the scriptures daily on the Fall Holy Days.

Study so that we are prepared to give an answer.  We need to be able to give a good, solid, confident answer.  We are not having a church convention, we are celebrating God’s Holy Days.

1 Peter. 3:15 → Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.  Be sure to give a defense to everyone.  Do it with meekness and fear.

We need to keep God’s truth in our heart.

Psalm 119:11 → I have stored up your word in my heart.  Studying keeps us from falling away and sinning.  God’s word must be stirred up in our heart.

Deut. 11:18 → Lay up these words of mine in your heart and soul.

It will keep us from being spiritually destroyed. (3:39)

Hosea 4:

We need to keep God’s message with us every day.  If we don’t prepare mentally, we’ll only partially benefit from the Feast.  God want us to have an incredible fulfilling spiritual time.

Talk to God, your family, and your brethren about the coming Fall Holy Days.

Make it part of regular prayer life.  Find time to fall on your knees before God.  Talk to God about how life we really be like after His government is established.

Psalm 119:12

Deut. 16:13

Discuss the Fall Holy days with our children.

Psalms 78:1 → Do not hide these things from our children.

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