United Church of God

Forgiveness and Compassion

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Forgiveness and Compassion

MP3 Audio (8.14 MB)


Forgiveness and Compassion

MP3 Audio (8.14 MB)

We know there is a need to forgive others when they wrong us. But how do we do so, even if they never say they are sorry? They key to true forgiveness lies in having compassion on others.

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  • Dan Preston
    Thank you for your comments and it's good to hear from you! We should indeed be willing to forgive, regardless of the attitude of another person. But as I mentioned in the message, forgiving someone does not require that we continue to associate with them. While we are to forgive and not have hate in our heart, sometimes the best thing is to separate ourselves from those causing us harm. Forgiveness is just that: forgiveness. It means to forgive an offense or debt of some sort. It does not mean that offense or debt was 'okay.' Only after the fruits of repentance are shown can people begin to truly reconcile.
  • laurathompson
    Great Message Dan! I agree with everything you said, especially your point that God requires Christians to forgive even when there isn't an "I'm sorry" statement from the offender or 'evidence of repentance' or 'fruits of repentance'. These additional characterizations are not mine, rather they come from prominent men within our organization who have stated to me that indeed, this 'evidence' or 'fruit of repentance' is necessary before we are required to forgive. This was in response to my recent Unity Project and specifically was concerning our brothers and sisters who departed our fellowship seven years ago. I have since suspended my Unity Project but I couldn't resist pointing out the dichotomy which exists within the ministry on this subject as it pertains to certain offenders. For now, I'm afraid all we can do is pray for Christ to lead His body to unity through the forgiving of each other as you so eloquently and plainly addressed here. Love to you and the family, Vince and Laura Thompson San Antonio, Tx.
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