United Church of God

Fire Situation Currently NOT Threatening Glacier Country Feast Site

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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site

Fire Situation Currently NOT Threatening Glacier Country Feast Site


There are currently many fires raging in Montana and as a result people are asking if this is having an impact on the Glacier Bible Camp and our plans for the Feast.  Yesterday I spoke with Cal Dyck, director of Glacier Bible Camp. He said the nearest fire is approximately 25 miles away inside Glacier National Park. He went on to say that usually the air quality has been better at the camp location in the narrow valley leading to Glacier than the greater Flathead valley. However, he said yesterday was the smokiest day they have had this year.

So although there is no imminent fire danger, air quality is not good. Currently the air quality in the Flathead Valley area is rated as "hazardous". To monitor the air quality you can visit http://svc.mt.gov/deq/todaysair. This site is maintained by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. 

At this time we have no plans to cancel or move the feast site due to fire.  However, if you are sensitive to the air quality I suggest you closely monitor the above site and use your discretion on whether to attend the Feast in Montana.  I would also add that all it will take to put out the fires is good rain or snowfall. And to eliminate the smoke, a strong wind from the right direction.   Last year October was the wettest in 114 years.  We know our heavenly Father can eliminate both the fires and the smoke.  We ask you to seek His favor and intervention to make the Feast in Montana one of beautiful blue skies and clean, mountain air.

If the situation changes, we will post additional updates here.

Dan Deininger
Glacier Country Feast Coordinator