United Church of God

2017 Feast of Tabernacles: Sabaudia, Italy

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2017 Feast of Tabernacles

Sabaudia, Italy

Services were held at the Oasi di KuFra hotel in a setting of peace and tranquility. All were welcomed by the Italian brethren who opened their arms warmly and made the Feast a wonderful experience and a foretaste of God’s coming millennial Kingdom.

Daily services were in English and Italian with many inspirational Christian living sermons showing the way to prepare ourselves for service in the Kingdom of God while we live in these temporary physical bodies. Beautiful special music accompanied the services.

A pre-Feast tour in Tuscany was arranged for those who had time to see some extra sights with the rich history of Italy. During the Feast there were trips to the Vatican Museum, Rome, Pompeii and a nearby winery. All were well attended. To see the very areas where the apostle Paul had walked, where our own brethren were tortured and killed, was very deeply moving, realizing that this world is becoming a more hostile place especially for those who follow Christ’s way of life. This was a very sobering reminder of how living God’s way is rejected by this world.

During the Feast there was an interactive Bible study held for the Italian brethren. The brethren came together for a jubilant talent/variety show and a lively family dance that furthered our fellowship and offered great joy. The Feast also included children’s instruction and a festival choir.

A hallmark of the Feast in Italy was the rich fellowship everyone enjoyed during meals together and getting to know brethren from different parts of the world. Brethren gathered for informal breakfasts, three-course lunches and four-course dinners with abundant conversation. The antipasto bar was spectacular, and various pasta and main courses were included daily with lunch and dinner. A special cake was served after the last meal.

Carmelo Anastasi did a commendable job of organizing the Feast with an army of volunteers. The Feast went off seamlessly. The Italian brethren spared no opportunity to thank all of us for joining them for this beautiful Feast in 2017 and to welcome us to next year’s Feast. We also thank them for their hard and continual work arranging a Feast site with so many well executed facets. God’s presence was surely felt there, making Italy a must-go Feast destination.

Warner and Rachel Schmidt
Steve and Deborah Hanson