United Church of God

Seeing God in All Life's Circumstances: How Big Is Your God?

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Seeing God in All Life's Circumstances

How Big Is Your God?

MP3 Audio (15.19 MB)


Seeing God in All Life's Circumstances: How Big Is Your God?

MP3 Audio (15.19 MB)

A fascinating sermon on the awesome creative powers of God when compared to our troubles and problems. How Big is Your God?

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  • pepper
    i appreciated the sermon from dec. 2 at canton Mr. Apartian. found it tonite was looking for a sermon to listen to on this sabbath evening andit will be good to give it another listen. chris.
  • sgjesvold
    Thank you Dan. What a wonderful and hope filled message!
  • susan von rauenstein
    Wow, what a special and amazing sermon, thank you.
  • Daniel Apartian
    Thank you Susan
  • Mary Ong
    Great sermon . Thank you Dan .
  • Daniel Apartian
    Thank you Mary. Wishing you all the best
  • Victor Kubik
    An amazing sermon! Didn't want it to end!! Great perspective and examples to drive your point home.
  • Daniel Apartian
    Thank you for the kind comments Mr. Kubik!
  • Mary Ong
    Yes ! yes ! Mr Kubik . An inspiring sermon . Right time for all of us in Hong Kong . Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:5‭-‬6
  • craspovic
    Our God truly is an awesome and great God. We should have no fears- but the flesh is weak. He has started a good work in us and will finish it if we allow Him and stay "on the worksite". Thanks for your perspective and encouragement.
  • Daniel Apartian
    Thanks Dragan. Glad you found the message inspiring.
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