United Church of God

The Stated Goals of Marxism: We Are Losing Our Physical and Spiritual Freedom Slowly

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The Stated Goals of Marxism.

We are Losing Our Physical and Spiritual Freedom Slowly.

MP3 Audio (37.68 MB)


The Stated Goals of Marxism: We Are Losing Our Physical and Spiritual Freedom Slowly

MP3 Audio (37.68 MB)

Marxism infiltrated America during World War II and has been an effective tool, of Satan's, to destroy the family and people's relationship with God since. The deception Satan uses, through the spread of the perversion of God's truth and the glorification of a perverted lifestyle, has so encompassed America that what was unimaginable to be accepted just a generation ago is now touted as not only acceptable but a normal and progressive lifestyle. God though has an antidote to the this perverse way of thinking.

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