United Church of God

Visits to Congregations of Cúcuta and Montería

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Visits to Congregations of Cúcuta and Montería

The two cities are more than 500 miles apart. Cúcuta is in northeastern Colombia and borders Venezuela. Montería is in the northwest and it is closer to Panama. Both have an average temperature of 91 degrees, and we found that same warmth in our brethren in these two congregations.

My wife Cathy and I had not visited our family in Colombia since the Feast of Tabernacles in 2014 in Cartagena. We thank God that He allowed a trip there to become a reality for us. The initial idea was to visit our relatives in Bogotá and Montería, but once the plans were taking shape, we decided to lengthen the visit and accept the kind and reiterated invitations that the Martinez family from the Cúcuta congregation had extended to us for almost two years.

On Thursday, Feb. 8, we arrived in Cúcuta. An improvised quartet of Church brethren performing vallenato music gave us a warm and fun welcome.

The next day we enjoyed a ride with some of the brethren to a nearby town, which included a swimming pool, “bowling” games, and we ate delicious chicken sancocho (soup with green plantain, yucca, potato and corn) prepared by some of the sisters.

Sabbath was pleasant, since we were able to meet the whole congregation. There are 29 people, with nine baptized members, who came to praise God and learn from His Word in the usual White Room of the hotel Agora. We also stayed there. Services started with a translated recent Beyond Today program. Then we watched the video I brought with greetings from most of our brethren who work at the home office, including the president, two of the BT presenters, the managers and heads of departments and, of course Jelly, who stole the hearts of both children and adults.

Everyone was attentive and enjoyed the video knowing the people a little better who carry out the great work that God is performing in His Church. There were murmurs of joy at recognizing some of the brethren who have visited Colombia during previous Feasts. A split sermon was given by Oscar Sierra of the Santa Rosa del Sur congregation, who, along with his wife Marelvis, was visiting the brethren in Cúcuta. After services we enjoyed delicious fruits and richly decorated cheeses, which complemented the aromatic Colombian coffee provided by the brethren. In the midst of the camaraderie, talk, food, smiles and photographs, the love between the brethren was evident.

The hospitality and love from our brethren was evident by the invitations to share meals with them. We were able to visit their homes, chat, listen to their comments, and know the spiritual, physical and economic challenges they face. Due to the uncontrolled influx of Venezuelans displaced by a terrible situation, the economic and civil situation of Cúcuta has elevated the problems of the city.

After four days in Cúcuta, we flew to Montería, where we enjoyed the company and love of family and brethren. Eight out of eleven people who were present for Sabbath services are part of my family; four of them were baptized members. Although five of brethren have visited the home office in Cincinnati, everyone was excited to receive the greetings from our brethren through the video. My dad, Abraham Salek, presented the main message that day. After services, we enjoyed delicious snacks and the smooth Colombian coffee.

The rich culinary attentions was a memorable part of our seven days there. We were able to taste several typical dishes of the Sinu river region.

Do you want to know more about Colombia? Do you want to enjoy the love, hospitality, food and the Colombian landscape? Consider visiting our Colombian brethren during the next Feast of Tabernacles. I am sure that you will enjoy an unforgettable Feast with the wonderful brethren of Colombia!