United Church of God

The Eighth Day: The World Goes on to Perfection

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The Eighth Day

The World Goes On to Perfection

MP3 Audio (27.55 MB)


The Eighth Day: The World Goes on to Perfection

MP3 Audio (27.55 MB)

Before time began, God ordained His great plan of salvation, which culminates in a time symbolized by the Biblical festival called the "Eighth Day". What is God's ultimate purpose in His plan? Why is He doing what He's doing?

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  • gsnyder57
    Thank you Donald
  • gsnyder57
    just like the rain. We need to keep our spiritual armour on till we see see Jesus and meet Him in the air. Zephaniah tells how we may be hid from the wrath of God to come.
  • gsnyder57
    WE healed in your name . We rebuked demons in your name. and He responds . He never knew you.
  • gsnyder57
    Jesus was of the tribe of Judah! for God's reasons. biologically. As believer's we should beware lest we fall. If we think we stand. we. need to endure to the end of each life. because Jesus had to be of the seed of King David. WE should be claiming Christ's righteousness, His faithfulness, His strength, Before Our Father's mercy Throne by the Power of the Holy Spirit. by the unblemished pure blood shed by His Son Jesus and know Jesus heals saves and coming again.Hebrews admonition is to believer's not to commit sin hebrews 10.willingly because then their is no sacrifice for sins in that respect. if people believer;s change to do wrong will receive the reward of the wicked. not good. ezekial 33. Wheras the sinner who receives and becomes a new creature will receive a good reward. Eternal life blessing Psalm 133. 2 thessolonians 2:2 still has to occurr and the saints will be overcome physically. Why are you not mentioning rev 20: says some will be judged by the book of life after the 1000 year reign. they will be saved but never ruling. We should be filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit who leads saints into all truth. We so not want to deceive ourselves& say to Jesus
  • gsnyder57
    We should be all waiting for all the gentiles to come to the Faith of Christ.
  • gsnyder57
    All Israel will be save in their unbelief. For God's sake for His name Sake for His righteousness. He is God not a man. God is the power above every power. not like a minister from your sermons in Berlin saying Satan is ruler of this World .. lucifer was never above creator and he would not claim that .. because the demons believe and tremble . no doubt in their mind who is God of all infinity past present future. Also I am a sabbath keeper It has a blessing , the Word does say You can dedicate one day or all days to the Lord . they are all His.
  • gsnyder57
    Ezekial 13, does say how people are doing right because learned from someone. what was right and stuck with it. ezekial 34 is for the pastors. Romans 14. clarifies we can not judge at this point. God can make any man stand before Him.
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