United Church of God

2018 Feast of Tabernacles: Kpalimé, Togo 

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2018 Feast of Tabernacles

Kpalimé, Togo 

This year we were once again in Kpalimé, a touristic site located 120 kilometers from Lomé, the capital of Togo. There were 36 of us total.

The weather was rainy for the duration of the Feast, as beneficial rains watered us each night. Despite these rains, there were no mosquitoes!

We heard messages of exhortation and hope concerning our walk with our God. Each of us was involved in one way or another to bring about the success of the celebration.

We benefited from this period of abundance by visiting prisoners in the town with a 50kg bag of rice, a container of oil and a container of soap. The director of the prison was delighted and he admitted to us that these were the kind of gestures that he had been hoping for for a long time because the residents haven’t had enough to eat.

We also visited a castle situated in the side of a mountain called Vial castle, named after its first owner, a French colonist who lived in the region in the 1930s. Not far from there was a meteorological park. We listened to the explanations of the observer with great enthusiasm.

Once again, our God has blessed us. It was with sadness that we said our goodbyes, while hoping to see each other again next year.