United Church of God

The Third Commandment: Show Some Respect

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The Third Commandment

Show Some Respect

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The Third Commandment: Show Some Respect

MP3 Audio (26.27 MB)

The third commandment addresses how we communicate our feelings and thoughts about our Creator to others... and how we communicate those things to Him. It warns about our speech, behavior, and attitudes regarding the Father of all life... The 3rd commandment says: show some respect!

This message is part of a 4 part series covering the 1st four commandments. The commandments which outline what it means to love God with all our hearts, all our minds, and all our being.

  1. The First Commandment - Setting Right Priorities
  2. The Second Commandment - The True Image of God
  3. The Third Commandment - Show Some Respect
  4. The Fourth Commandment - Spend Time With God


The Third Commandment: Show Some Respect

Exodus 20:7 The third commandment addresses how we communicate our feelings and thoughts about our Creator to others... and how we communicate those things to Him. It warns about our speech,  behavior, and attitudes regarding the Father of all life... The 3rd commandment says: show some respect!

Respect Definition:  to feel admiration for (someone or something) : to regard (someone or something) as being worthy of admiration because of good qualities : to ACT in a way which shows that you are aware of (someone's rights, wishes, etc.)

We easily grasp the need for respect when meeting someone important or powerful... like the Don Corleone, you fear his power to hurt you, so you show respect; or your boss... who has the power to give you a raise or get you fired, so you show respect.

Yet disrespecting the Creator God. He is patient, slow to anger... but the commandment says "He's taking names". If you've been disrespectful to God, turn around, change your ways, move forward... He is happy to put the past in the past. But the day is coming when the allotted time of His patience comes to an end.

Respect is essential for a good relationship. We see this in marriage, business, communities. Expressing respect in ways that others notice and see is necessary. If I say "I respect you" but then ignore you, talk badly about you to others... then you know I don't respect you.

Respect is a way we demonstrate our love for God.

What Does In Vain” Mean?

The 3rd commandment warns against using the Creator's name in a manner that is rude, frivolous, degrading, expressing an attitude of carelessness... disdain... or antagonism. All this is summed in the word vain: which means deceptive, empty, worthless, meaningless.

What Is Covered By The Phrase My Name”?

A name is a set of syllables, pronounced a certain way, used to refer to a person. But a person's name also carries with it the idea of their whole person, their reputation, their character, what they stand for etc.. For example, "that person has slandered my name"... meaning they have attacked your reputation or standing in the community.

Our Creator's name represents His character and what He stands for. Which is every good & perfect thing we could ever hope for… it’s the hope and promise of everlasting life  filled with joy, contentment and completeness.

Profanity in Speech

Exodus 3:13-15Our Creator tells us His name is YHWH, Yahweh, Yehovah. In English that would be, the I AM, the self existing one etc. This name is also a description, a description of a being that is life itself. English bibles tend to follow the Jewish practice of using a substitute word LORD in place of the name YHWH. In our writing we tend to refer to Him as God (capital G)... these are also descriptive but one step removed from YHWH.  

The idea is that we avoid using the proper name YHWH so we don't run the risk of profaning it. However for practical purposes, if you say LORD, or God, everyone knows you are referring to YHWH. Using substitute words does not protect you from violating the spirit of the 3rd commandment.

Using "God" in a phrase like "Oh My God, that was amazing","Good Lord, that was a great martini","thank God the bus was on time", are examples of using the Creator's name, reputation, and character in a way that is frivolous, careless, or overly casual. I have omitted examples that are abusive, or dirty.

You shouldn't say “Oh My God” unless its part of a prayer, or a song of praise. This also applies to euphemisms like gosh, golly, geez. These may seem innocent but unwittingly announce to all who hear that God isn't really special or set apart in your way of thinking.

The Importance Of Jesus Christ's Name

Philippians 2:9-11 the character of Jesus and all that He stands for is wrapped up in His named and should not be taken in vain either. It is through Jesus Christ that we know the Father Creator. It’s through Jesus Christ that our path to eternal life is opened up. This is important stuff.

Jesus is the Greek rendering of Yeshua/Joshua meaning salvation in English; Christ is a Greek word meaning anointed one in English, the Hebrew equivalent is messiah.

Many people say the name Jesus a lot... but don’t properly represent Him. Many use His name to convey a message that betrays and opposes what He stood for.

Matthew 5:17-19 people use Jesus name to teach against obeying God's commands... at least the commands they disagree with. This is a misuse of His name.

Matthew 15:7-9 People despise the Sabbath but then wallpaper Christ’s name all over idolatrous worship traditions like Saturnalia and pretend they are pleasing to God.

People use God’s name to validate their political ideologies and leaders, people send their young men to war shouting God is with us. In so many ways we use God’s name to justify our own stupid ideas. The misuse of God’s name causes confusion, doubt, disbelief… which is why its a big deal!

In this world, God is evaluated based on the people who claim to act in His name.

What About Members of God’s Church?

Colossians 3:17 - this is all encompassing.  Anything we do that brings reproach, disrespect, or shame on the name of God or Christ is  a violation of the 3rd commandment by misrepresenting the God we claim to serve.

1 Peter 2:9-12 While you are yet in the flesh God makes you part of a people. He considers you His representatives in this. You honor God’s name through your example.

Dishonoring God By Your Example

That calling to represent God on this earth was originally assigned to the nation of Israel.

Deuteronomy 4:5-7 Moses wanted their conduct to so honor God that all nations would gain respect for Him... and want to learn more.

The nation of Israel failed this task. Instead they profaned God's name among the nations surrounding them. G God was patient with them... He gave them lots of time... He gave them lots of warning... He was slow to anger... but there came a day when the time was up. They paid a high price.

Ezekiel 36:16-32

To profane means (among other things) to treat His name as a common thing. Not special, not holy, not revered, not respected... just common... like a block of cheese... or a brush you use to scrub the toilet... handy, useful when you need it... but nothing special.

At first the nations could say: Israel has these commandments, laws, statutes from their God... but they don't live by them. Such a God must be weak, unable to convince them to obey. Why would I worship weakness?

Or the nations could say: Israel say they stand for justice and fairness but they are no different than us. These "chosen people” a just a bunch of hypocrites.

Then God punished Israel because unrepentant sin must be punished. God is just and He will show Himself just by His acts...

Then the nations would say: Israel has this God YHWH but He allows them to be over-run and enslaved by the Assyrians, then the Babylonians. Their God must either be unable to protect them or doesn't care. It is useless to follow such a God!

So, for the sake of His name on the stage of world history God pledged to restore Israel. Not because they are especially worthy, but for the sake of His reputation… as a demonstration of His character and His purpose. For His name's sake.

Israel was restored during the days of Ezra & Nehemiah. That restoration lasted another 400 years until the coming of the Messiah, and the better way of the new covenant. This restored  Israel provided a suitable environment where the Messiah could be born, grow up, and live by the commandments and laws of God (even though the Jews around Him did not necessarily do so themselves). How would Christ have lived a sinless life if He had been born in a villa in pagan Rome?

But, once the Messiah had come and fulfilled His mission... Israel soon ceased to exist as sovereign nation.

However, the true restoration of Israel happens when Christ returns and establishes the rule of God on earth. At that Israel is restored as a model for the surrounding nations Isaiah 2:2-4 (this time it will work, holy spirit, absence of Satan, visible presence of Christ and the resurrected saints etc.). This prophetic fulfillment is also done for the sake of God's name.

Bad Conduct In God’s Name is Blasphemy

Romans 2:21-24 Paul says this to his fellow Jews

1 Timothy 6:1 a message for the servants of God. Your conduct among non-believers reflects upon God’s good name.

2 Corinthians 5:20 you represent the Most High. Any discourteous, disrespectful conduct by you dishonors Him in the eyes of others... rudeness, arrogance, disobedience etc.

One of the biggest reasons people give for turning their back on God is the conduct of people who claim to be His followers. The most common charge made is "Christians are hypocrites". They say one thing and do another. Furthermore, their God does nothing about it. If such a God even exists… how is He worthy of my worship?

Jesus Condemns Hypocrisy In God's Name

Matthew 23:27-28

Promoting God on one hand, while finding ways to work around obedience on the other. Happy to praise and call out His name as long as they can continue to follow their own way... unwilling to give up their own traditions, and their own lusts.

How We Should Honor God
  1. Avoid using his name foolishly. Whether that means frivolous stuff like saying "oh my God", or using His name as an expression of anger and frustration...
  2. Don’t connect His name and reputation to promote false teachings like ever burning hell, or Christmas…
  3. Don’t set a bad example in the eyes of non-believers who know you as a follower and servant of God.

Instead, in all you do or say,  hold your Creator in highest regard. Admire and seek out His wisdom, love, fairness. Stand in awe of His power. Always be mindful that your life depends upon Him...both present and future.

Show respect, honor and obedience to Him in the presence of others. Honor Him by loving Him so much that you want to become like Him and accurately represent His character to everyone who sees or knows you.

Show respect to Him in prayer. Give thanks... give praise... express appreciation for what He gives. Tell Him you want to become more like Him. Request the power of the Holy Spirit to help you obey and serve this great purpose.

If that is our attitude we will never knowingly use His name in ways that are rude, frivolous, degrading, carelessness, disdainful, antagonistic, deceptive, empty, worthless, meaningless.

Mutual Respect

Our Creator wants more than fine sounding words. He wants a positive healthy relationship with us. As  relationship built on a foundation of respect.

I believe God has respect for you as a person. I know He sees all your weaknesses and sins... He doesn't respect that or course... but sins, uncleanness, evil can be dealt with and flushed down the memory hole through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Our Creator can see beyond all that and envision what you CAN BE… what you are going to be!

 Respect is a facet of the mind of the Creator. His laws, commands and statutes are designed to protect and promote the dignity of humanity and respect their honored place in the creation; the future sons and daughters of God sitting at Christ’s side as He rules the universe.

He loves you, love Him back by showing some respect.

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