United Church of God

Lessons From the Exodus Story (Part 1)

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Lessons From the Exodus Story (part 1)

MP3 Audio (46.22 MB)


Lessons From the Exodus Story (Part 1)

MP3 Audio (46.22 MB)

Soon we’ll be coming to the time of the year of one of the Bible’s greatest events—Israel’s miraculous Exodus from Egypt. This astounding story has many lessons for Christians today. In part 1 of this series of sermons we’ll dig deeply into the background of the Exodus to see some of what God wants us to learn from this amazing story.

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  • beverlybutler
    Hi Mr. Ashley, I'm just wondering why you say the contributions of great scientists and other leaders would have to left out of history due to the addition of the contributions made by homosexuals and transgenders? Thanks for your clarification!
  • Scott Ashley
    Hi Beverly, Thanks for your question. I mentioned this in the context of how history is taught in schools and colleges. I teach a 50-hour college-level class on the Gospels every year, and for everything I would like to add, I have to cut an equivalent amount out. So to make room in classes for the contributions of homosexuals and transgenders, instructors would have to cut out an equivalent amount material on the contributions of others. It's strictly a matter of the limitations of time allowed to teach a course. The net effect is that students are dumbed down to promote a politically correct agenda of promoting the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism, and everybody loses—except those who want to promote anti-biblical values.
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