United Church of God

Lessons From the Exodus Story Part 4

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Lessons From the Exodus Story part 4

MP3 Audio (45.34 MB)


Lessons From the Exodus Story Part 4

MP3 Audio (45.34 MB)

In part 4 of this series of sermons covering the early chapters of the book of Exodus in depth, we examine the pattern of the plagues, Egypt’s plethora of gods and goddesses, the meaning of God’s statement He was executing judgment “against all the gods of Egypt,” the importance of the Nile River to Egypt’s people, agriculture and economy, how it might’ve been “turned to blood,” what the first four plagues were and how they were directed at Egypt’s gods and goddesses of the Nile River, childbirth, the earth and the sun.

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  • Stephen Racz
    Dear Mr Ashley Thank you for your insightful sermons on the Exodus. I have a question. You mentioned that in Hebrew the word ALL doesn't quite mean the same as it does in English in relation to all the waters in Egypt being turned to blood. That there were some places the Egyptians could still find water. This sounds feasible otherwise everyone would have perished without it. So how do we apply the word ALL to other scriptures in the OT and NT where in states that God forgives ALL of our iniquities, ALL of our sins. Are there are different Hebrew and Greek words being used in this context to describe something where the word means ALL in terms of without exception or all compassing as we understand in English apply here. Otherwise it would leave people fearful that all does not mean all only most and that not all of our sins are forgivable.I hope you understand my meaning. Your answer would be much appreciated. Kind regards Stephen Racz
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