United Church of God

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Lessons From the Exodus Story Part 5

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Lessons From the Exodus Story part 5

MP3 Audio (11.53 MB)


Lessons From the Exodus Story Part 5

MP3 Audio (11.53 MB)

In part 5 of this series of sermons going into detail of the story of Israel ’ s Exodus from Egypt, we examine insights into the mind and character of the Egyptian Pharaoh as revealed in the biblical account, how Pharaoh is a type of Satan the devil, how national leaders can at times be their own nations’ worst enemies, the devastating economic impact of the plague on Egypt’s livestock, which Egyptian gods and goddesses were shown powerless in the face of the fifth through eight plagues, what it means when Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, the biblical clue that shows the plagues were spread out over a number of months, God’s instructions to the Israelites to remember these events, and what we gain (and lose) by remembering or failing to remember.

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