United Church of God

Lessons From the Exodus Story Part 6

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Lessons From the Exodus Story part 6

MP3 Audio (51.33 MB)


Lessons From the Exodus Story Part 6

MP3 Audio (51.33 MB)

In this conclusion to a six-part series on lessons we can learn from the plagues and the story of Israel’s exodus from Egypt, we cover the plague of darkness and why that would’ve been especially terrifying to the Egyptians, which Egyptian gods and goddesses the ninth and tenth plagues were directed against, Pharaoh’s hostage-taking, God’s instructions for the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread, why painting blood on the doorposts was an act of faith, how the Passover sacrifice foreshadowed Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, the importance of remembering these events, the final calamity in which the Egyptian army was destroyed, and seven key overriding lessons from the Exodus story that apply to us today.

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