United Church of God

How Did the Jews Temple Passover Sacrifice Begin, Part 2

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How Did the Jews Temple Passover Sacrifice Begin, Part 2

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How Did the Jews Temple Passover Sacrifice Begin, Part 2

MP3 Audio (7.75 MB)

In this study Mr. Smith concludes his presentation on how the Jews came to keep the Passover one night later than it was commanded in Exodus 12. We do not find any details about the keeping of the Passover for about 700 years after Exodus until we come to the time of Hezekiah (II Chr. 29-30) when he brought Judah back to God, but they turned away again after his death. Two more restorations are seen at the time of Josiah (II Chr. 34-35) and then Ezra (Ezra 6). In each of these for fear of the paganism that surrounded them, the rulers commanded the Passover to be kept at Jerusalem with the priests killing the lambs because the people did not have enough knowledge to do it properly. After Ezra, this became the custom of most Jews and continues so down to our day.

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  • Mike Haynes
    Thank you for the speedy response Mr Smith, Luke 2:41-45 suggest ta Jesus family made the annual trip for the Passover festival along with many others. They would have traveled from the Galilee area which would have taken several days. This passage seems to indicate it was Jewish custom at that time to make the annual pilgrimage. It also seems to indicate it was a family pilgrimage. We know that the Passover meal was a family meal to be partaken of by every family member. We know that at least one disciple had a family, likely others did as well. We also know that Jesus widowed mother was there in Jerusalem during His final Passover. Seems curious to me that no family members were present at this meal, if it was indeed a Passover meal, since it was the head of each household responsible for arranging the family observance. I appreciate your patience in addressing my questions.
  • Gary Smith
    Good day, My understanding is that those who would go up to the Passover in Jerusalem would find a location to stay in the area of Jerusalem in order to eat the Passover meal. Note before the Passover meal that Christ was staying at a home in Bethany about 2 miles from the city. He only went back into the city to take the Passover. He went into town at His last Passover because his time was almost up. Realistically you could not have had all Jews throughout the world in Jerusalem for the Passover and the days of unleavened bread. This requirement would apply to those living in Judea and its territory I would think. Jews lived all over known world at the time and they would most likely have kept the Passover at home. Not every Jew went up to the temple for the Holy Days each year. In regard to the families at Feast time, where were they when Jesus was carrying out His purpose at other times? Jesus was involved in teaching and training the disciples and at the last Passover He established the symbols of the New Testament Passover which were to passed along to the Church. I hope this response is helpful. Gary Smith
  • Mike Haynes
    A couple questions... 1- if the Passover was indeed a domestic observance carried out in the home as in the original, how would it be possible for most Israelites in remote areas of Israel to fulfill the Passover commands at home and then be in Jerusalem for the beginning of ULB, a commanded assembly? 2- If that last meal Jesus shared with His disciples was indeed a Passover meal, why were none of their families present as commanded originally. Thank you for your response.
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