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The Fruit With No Name

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The Fruit With No name

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The Fruit With No Name

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God's spirit adds something to your life called Prautes. English words you could use to try to convey the meaning of Prautes might include: gentleness, acceptance, submission, humility, calm. However, none of these words conveys the full sense of the word.


The Fruit With No Name

God's spirit adds something to your life called Prautes. That's the word in the original language... Greek. Attempts to translate Prautes into the English language is a challenge. There is no good word in our language to convey the meaning of Prautes.

Vine's Expository Dictionary defines of prautes as: an attitude toward God [state of mind], submitting one's self to God, not resisting God, confident in God's presence, authority, and power. Prautes gives calmness of spirit from mental focus which is not on self, or prioritizing personal desires.... Prautes seeks and wants what the Creator of life desires. Prautes is is confidence that God is in charge, and acceptance that God is in charge.

A Greek writer such as Aristotle would use the word to describe a person who would only express anger, frustration [negative emotions] when transcendent moral principles were at stake rather than because of the petty annoyances of life.

The more I looked into prautes… the more I wanted it as part of my thinking. I hope you will too.

English Translations

English words you could use to try to convey the meaning of Prautes might include: gentleness, acceptance, submission, humility, calm [show diagram].

None of these words conveys the full sense of the word. This is why I have been calling it "the fruit with no name". In Galatians 5:22 you will probably see it translated: gentleness.  Depending on the context gentleness is often used to translate Prautes. In other verses you may see it translated as: meekness.

In modern English usage, meekness has unfortunately come to take on the sense of weakness. A person  who does not react or respond to insult, injury, or unfairness is not seen as doing so out of  strength of character, but rather because they are powerless to do anything about it... weak willed, physically weak, or socially weak. So the English word "meek [meekness]" is not always helpful when discussing prautes... but as you will see when we begin looking at some relevant scriptures we are stuck with the word… meek.

Putting Attitude Into Action

Like the other "fruits" we have looked at we begin with an attitude of mind... which then translates into action... usually involving how we treat others. Prautes is mental control and outlook which regulates how we handle life’s circumstances, and people we encounter. The mindset of meekness means we are no longer focused on always getting our own way, we  focus on a bigger and better picture... God's way. This meekness  then expresses itself in gentleness towards others rather than harshness, mild responses rather than extreme, calmness rather than nervous or edgy anger.

Prautes [the attitude of meekness/and the action of gentleness] lets you more calmly deal with life’s storms. Because you know God is on His throne... and you are not. You understand He has an order, process and purpose for human life in the universe and you accept that

Question: is prautes a form of apathy? Are we looking to numb our senses, feelings, and emotions as a way to heroically or tragically accept our fate?

Answer: No, we will see that prautes does not deaden our response to life’s ups and downs… it channels them to good outcomes.

God is Gentle

Not because He  is weak but because gentleness is an expression of respect for life.

Human beings can be truly awful, horrible, hateful, angry and selfish. If God were not gentle we all would long ago have been destroyed, and God would be perfectly justified in doing so. But our Father Creator is the author of life not death, and gentleness is part of the mindset of life.

God plans to place you who are Christ's at His return, in positions of authority [kings, priests, judges]. In God’s way of thinking  you cannot be focused on getting your own way... you are going to have to work humbly and cooperatively with God and others to achieve life affirming goals rather than whatever passion moves you at the moment . All that power requires a gentle spirit.

Submit yourself to the authority of Christ and the Father. Cultivate a respect for authority today so that you have proper respect for whatever authority you are given at Christ’s return. In this way you learn to respect the authority that you will be given… exercising meekness and gentleness towards those you will be responsible for.

Understanding Prautes Through Biblical Context

Galatians 5:26 - 6:1 the  listing of attitudes and actions of the spirit is initially addressed to a congregation going through some doctrinal and personal disputes. In verse 14-15 Paul warns them about using their new-found knowledge to bite and devour one another. Then he lists the fruits of the flesh and of the spirit… and in verse 26 we learn something about gentleness.

Conceit, envy, provoking are cited as the opposite of gentleness [prautes]. T be gentle we have to turn it around and consider what is good for the other person.

Furthermore; this gentleness is exercised for the purpose of restoring another person to right relationship with God, with yourself, with the congregation. Wanting [and acting towards] what God wants. What is in the best interests of that person in the context of God’s purpose for life.

Human nature says, let's just kick that person out. Take no prisoners. We'll be better of without them. But, if God's purpose was kicking everyone out who had a problem... you'd be gone, I'd be gone, there would be no Church of God, there would be no resurrection, there would be no future for life.

1 Peter 3:8-12 God's word asks us to show compassion, brotherly love, let down our emotional walls, and treat each other with friendliness and courtesy. We are presented with multiple positive emotional components and multiple positive action components. Watch your words... seek peace with others... prayer... doing of good.

We can better channel these positive emotions when we are not obsessed about ourselves, how will this affect me, how will others see me etc.

Verse 13-15 don’t worry, have confidence in God. Don't let wicked people scare you with threats, negativity, insults. Be filled with quiet confidence that Christ is in charge... no trial comes upon you without His knowledge or His OK. If you are suffering... He knows. If He does not rescue you from your trial... there is a purpose.

Satan will ask you "how can you believe in a God who lets you suffer?... how can you trust in a God who won't say yes to your requests?

You are able to provide and answer to doubters, mockers, antagonists ... having Prautes in your soul and respect for the other person… the mocker, the boss who harasses you, the government that oppresses. You are not concerned with winning the argument, being seen as right… focus on imparting truth.

Verse 17 I am willing to suffer for what is right. Because God's purpose is more important than my personal needs. I know what He is doing in my life and Why. I am willing to humbly submit myself to His will because I know where it is headed

To get this peace of mind you must submit yourself to God’s word… and to submit to it you have to know it.

James 1:21 focus your mind on cleaning up your own life and receive His instruction for your life with meekness. Meaning… receive it, submit yourself to it, let it give you calmness of mind. Let it fill you with the answers to the big questions: what am I, why am I alive, who is God, what is He up to.

Warning: if you are not "in" God's word how can you be receptive to it.

James 1:19-20 to provide people with an answer means you have to listen to the question... quickly responding with harshness is ungodly.

Inset: this type of gentleness will be viewed by many as weakness, exposing a fear of confrontation. But this gentleness is really strength. My human nature might want to lash out and argue, insult and demean others in the name of truth and prove I am right. Such tactics might appeal to my human nature but does not fulfill God’s purpose.

Christ described Himself as meek/gentle [prautes]. It was not because He was weak... He had to authority to rain down lightning bolts and unleash armies of angels to destroy every enemy...but He did not. He said of Himself... I didn't come to judge and condemn people but to rescue them from a way of life that leads to death.

Only when every opportunity for repentance and change has been offered does Christ punish or destroy.

A godly person is not harsh with others. Rather they are able to see every person as valuable... which is how God sees them. God has respect for all.

James 3:13 the “meekness of wisdom”. Submit yourself to wisdom. Calm your soul with wisdom

Wisdom is different from knowledge, or information. You might have the right information about life after death, the proper sequence of the resurrections, knowledge of the commandments, the holy days, the plan of God... knowledge can lead to wisdom… but wisdom is allowing that knowledge to change how you live.

James 3:14-18 we are told there are 2 competing types of wisdom:

Wisdom From Above


Wisdom From The Physical

Pure, Peaceable, Gentle, Open to Reason (willing to learn), full of mercy, fair, sincere


Bitter Jealousy, self ambition, over-rides truth (false to truth)




Righteousness & peace


Disorder, confusion, vile practices


A life spent seeking fulfillment of your heart’s desires has a semblance of wisdom. It appears practical to our human nature... Achieving personal satisfaction and happiness through fulfillment of desire seems the logical conclusion to the question "how shall I live my life"… for many the answer is "to please myself".

Earthly wisdom is inferior because its short term thinking . Physical life is short [about 75 years] You have no life beyond that. Knowledge that you do not possess an immortal soul, that you rely on resurrection can help you act wisely in this life. Wisdom from above is superior because it focuses on long term [lasting] goals; eternal life, seeking the mind of God what is good for the other person.

Earthly wisdom is also characterized as demonic. It is a way of thinking actively promoted by your adversary. The one who hates you and  wants to see you follow every dead end path… to divert you from the power of everlasting life.

The future God is working toward is filled with righteousness and peace… earthly wisdom produces discord and strife. If I live to satisfy my desires… and you live to satisfy your desires… what happens when me getting what I desire interferes with you getting what you desire? Strife… conflict.

That is why earthly wisdom is a failure waiting to happen. Submit yourself to the meekness of wisdom… and the wisdom of humility.


Matthew 11:25-30

Submit yourself to God's burden... Get into His work of transforming your mind... the task is light in comparison to the burden of futility. Do you want calmness and rest? Jesus Christ says  "I can give it to you". You don't have to do it all yourself. I am strong, and I can help.

Accept me with meekness, humility, submission, calmness, and confidence.

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