United Church of God

God's Promises to Abraham: God Is Fulfilling His Promise of Blessing and and Prosperity to the Descendants of Israel Today

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God's Promises to Abraham

God is fulfilling his promise of blessing and and prosperity to the descendants of Israel today.

MP3 Audio (13.02 MB)


God's Promises to Abraham: God Is Fulfilling His Promise of Blessing and and Prosperity to the Descendants of Israel Today

MP3 Audio (13.02 MB)

God made a covenant with Abraham of blessings and greatness. That blessing was passed down to his lineage, through to Jacob and then to Jacob's sons. God used Joseph to rescue the nation of Israel. Jacob adopted Joseph's two sons into his own family and thus in to the lineage of the blessing. This blessing is the reason for the greatness, wealth and power of some major nations today. Why is this important to Christians and to Biblical prophecy?

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