United Church of God

Gathering In...

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Gathering In...

MP3 Audio (36.54 MB)
gathering_in_v2 (14.99 MB)


Gathering In...

MP3 Audio (36.54 MB)
gathering_in_v2 (14.99 MB)

We gather in a list of scriptures regarding the Feast of Ingathering.

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  • salcsports@verizon.net
    Hello, I enjoyed your message - thank you. Towards the end of your message, you refer to John 7:37 as the 8th day however isn't this the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles? Wasn't Christ referring to the water pouring ceremony that the Jews did during the FOT? (v38-39) John 8:1 said the next day which then would be referring to the 8th day....Can you please let me know your thoughts? Thanks, Sal
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