United Church of God

Spiritually Eliminating the Blame Game

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Spiritually Eliminating the Blame Game

MP3 Audio (24.37 MB)


Spiritually Eliminating the Blame Game

MP3 Audio (24.37 MB)

Blaming others and not taking responsibility for our own actions is not marginal but central to our human nature even as covenant people. As we enter a new calendar year this message is designed not only to be a game changer, but a life changer for all of us. Three specific points are given to allow us to glorify God and be a blessing to others. There is a very surprising conclusion to drive home the point.

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  • KarahanD
    As I was listening to this sermon, I had flashbacks to my recent behaviour. It's true, I didn't even realise it but I am playing the blame game. It is so much easier to blame others than to see myself or to analyse my own behaviour. Time to stop and I want to stop. Thank you Robin for opening my eyes. Our Father uses His ministry to teach me well.
  • maria petty
    Excellent and relevant sermon. I plan to watch this several more times.
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