United Church of God

I'm Surrounded! Now What?

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I'm Surrounded! Now What?

MP3 Audio (32.91 MB)


I'm Surrounded! Now What?

MP3 Audio (32.91 MB)

There are many analogies we can draw from a boat when we think about our Christian walk.

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  • KarahanD
    I am not a sailor but the analogy you used I can totally relate to. This type of message is exactly what we need; keep on waking us up to the distractions that we have constantly in our lives and what we should be doing. And it's so true about desires changing as we get more into Christ and His way of life, then the desire for the world's pleasure do diminish. I have felt at times that I should seperate myself from my friends in the world, but I have come to realise that I don't have to participate in wrong conversation and that I do have the ability through the Holy Spirit to change that conversation into something more wholesome. It's funny but there are times when I have wondered how I got to this state of thinking but I am so grateful that I have. God has given us watchmen, that's is all His ministry, and you all do stand guard over us with the messages that you give to us each week. I pray that we all have ears to hear and eyes to see, including myself. Thank you Steve
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