United Church of God

Worship God in Spirit

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Worship God In Spirit

MP3 Audio (11.37 MB)


Worship God in Spirit

MP3 Audio (11.37 MB)

Satan tries to draw us away from the proper worship of God. One way he can influence people is to cause them to fall into the habit of evaluating their worship of God by factors that have physical components to them such as Sabbath keeping and clean and unclean meats. But in his sermon Mr. Smith asks us why if these areas are of greatest importance why are they not covered in the Sermon on the Mount? For the answer he shows us what Jesus said to the woman in John 4 about our need to worship God in spirit and in truth. And then with this starting point he considers some of the things the sermon on the mount does cover to help us properly worship God in the spirit. In his next sermon he will cover what it means to worship God in truth.

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