United Church of God

Called, Chosen, and Faithful: Finding Biblical Truth in a World of Deception

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Called, Chosen, and Faithful

Finding Biblical Truth in a World of Deception

MP3 Audio (24.89 MB)


Called, Chosen, and Faithful: Finding Biblical Truth in a World of Deception

MP3 Audio (24.89 MB)

To guide people through a world of deception Jesus Christ has established His church to proclaim truth. Some are called, few are chosen, and those who are chosen must persevere in the truth to the end.


Called Chosen & Faithful in a World of Deception

Many ideas about Jesus Christ are out there: Protestant, Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, even atheists have a way of explaining Jesus.

Does God just leave it up to you to figure it all out... does he leave you floating here and there... picking up little tidbits of truth until you start to piece it all together into some semi-logical personal religious outlook? Are you left to figure out the truth all by yourself? No.

The resurrected Jesus is real, alive, and actively at work as high priest. He has a real and definite body of teaching. He has a purpose and is operating according to a plan that can be known and understood. To perform this active work in the world he said, "I will build [establish] My church" Matthew 16:18.

The word church is ekklesia in Greek, which means people who are called out to form an assembly. Note: in the original Greek usage it referred to citizens called out to discuss affairs of state.

Hebrews 12:23 assembly of the firstborn; those who will be resurrected at Jesus’ return to assist Him in establishing and maintaining the rule of God on earth…. The Church of God also has an important role to perform in proclaiming, promoting, and explaining truth in a world of deception.

1 Timothy 3:15 church provides a source [the source] of truth in the world… and therefore has a role to play in the process of how God’s calls people.

Becoming a True Follower of God

Matthew 7:21-23 it is possible for a person who considers themself a follower, or even a teacher,  of God to be very surprised when they are raised up. They will be surprised because they will hear Him say: "I was never with you... and you have no place with me now... you are a worker of lawlessness"… and that parting shot about lawlessness is important! It provides you with a litmus test for who is teaching truth and who is compromised.

A person may claim to be teaching in Jesus' name… but if they teach that God's commandments are done away with... something is horribly wrong. There may be some good, or some truth mixed in with what they say, but if they teach against God's commands their teaching cannot be trusted.

Those who cry “Lord, Lord” may produce interesting/helpful books on biblical topics, they may distribute bibles all over the world, they may feed the poor, but if they teach against God's commandments something is very wrong. This fatal error does not make their good works suddenly bad... but it does disqualify them as representatives of Christ… and everything religious/biblical they say must be questioned.

Matthew 7:15-20 the fruit of teaching lawlessness is a tell-tale sign, even though a person drapes themselves in Jesus. Read 1 John 3:4 & Romans 7:7 lawlessness is sin and sin is defined by the commandments.

Lawlessness is Appealing

Romans 8:7-8 the fleshly human mind is wired to prioritize self interest. Its how God the creator has designed us so we can survive in our physical environment.

But humans also have a spiritual component which separates us from animals. However, its a part of us not yet fully formed. Therefore, spiritual attitudes, ideas, and concepts are at play in the human minds.

God's commandments are spiritual priorities which sets boundaries on behavior, thought, and attitude. Spiritual priorities which consider the needs of others as much as our own. The physical fleshly part of who we are says "no, my priority is me!". The spiritual part of us has rule over the flesh... but its an uphill battle.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 teaching lawlessness may be very appealing to the human mind… but it is deception and a teaching that opposes truth.

Called and Chosen

Over the years I have heard many people use these terms as if they both referred to the same event. But they are not. Being called and being chose are different steps on the path to salvation.

Matthew 22:14  Jesus' words show us there is a distinction between calling and choosing... MANY are called... FEW are chosen.

  1. Calling: at this moment in human history the bible is the most widely circulated book in the world. Through this vast distribution of the scriptural testimony God's call goes out to many [millions/billions]. The printing and distribution of bibles throughout most of the world is mostly performed by those who cry “Lord, Lord”... yet teaching against God’s law.
  2. Choosing: God chooses a person to receive eternal life only when that person: a) learns and accepts the truth b) repents in faith and is baptized.

You could say calling is based on information received… whereas, being chosen is based on action taken.

2 Peter 3:9 God wants everyone to move from being called to being chosen.

Calling Does Not Automatically Lead To Choosing

Consider  the parable of the sower Matthew 13:3-9, Matthew 13:18-23

In each scenario the message [seed] goes out. In each scenario the content of message is the same [its the same  seed]. All  scenarios receive the message but they  respond  differently and for different reasons.

Hardened places: for these people the truth of God never makes it into their mind because their minds are hardened to it through deception. The source of that deception is Satan. [path hardened by traffic].

Stony places:  these people like what they hear but the roots of what is planted do not reach down deep enough to sustain them when the going gets tough. They give up when confronted with trials or persecution.

  1. Trials=when circumstances go bad. For example health problems, money woes, etc.
  2. Persecution=this could be pressure from their family, pressure at the job place, pressure from friends... give up this crazy nonsense and act normal… although could be state sponsored oppression as well.

Thorny places: these people like what they hear, They’re not concerned about what others think. What gets these folks is what is going on inside, specifically personal selfishness. They don't want to stick with a way of life that asks them to give up some of their personal wealth, or time they could spend on hobbies, or advancement at work, or substance abuse, or sexual pleasures.

Good ground: this person likes what they hear, they take it seriously, and they put it into practice. Such a person is chosen.

And in this way MANY are called but FEW are chosen.

The Role of the Church

To provide clear understanding of the true gospel Jesus has established His church. Note: church has other functions but this is big.

Romans 10:14-15 Salvation happens because someone is SENT-->that person preaches-->someone else hears it-->that person believes. The one one who now believes now calls upon the name of the Lord to be saved. Sending forth people to teach and proclaim is a function of the Church.

Ephesians 4:4-15 there is an established and agreed upon body of teachings [doctrine]. There are many different ideas about Jesus, God, salvation… but there is only one truth.

Revelation 12:17 the church of Jesus Christ does not teach lawlessness. This is your litmus test!

Note: having been established by Christ does not mean the ministry is infallible. Error can creep into the church and the church has to weed it out... and it does... because Christ is the head of the church and you can count on Him to make sure the bad stuff is cleaned out. You must use wisdom.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 the church acts as God's instrument in moving you from having been called to having been chosen.

So, a person is called through access the bible, and the act of public preaching/instruction. That's what a sermon is, knowledge needed to reach repentance of sin. Those who respond positively are chosen for salvation: a) through believing truth b) receiving and being led by God's holy spirit

Administration of the Holy Spirit

The giving and the receiving of the holy spirit is a personal and spiritual interaction between God and you the individual.

However, God instructs that this this very spiritual covenant between you and Him be accompanied with a solemn act, done in a public setting, with witnesses... that act is baptism and the laying on of hands.

Baptism is a public declaration of intent and commitment. Through it you enter into a new covenant with God. Other people hear you say it, watch you perform the ceremony. First, you are immersed and die to sin, you are raised up in newness of life, then a member of the ministry lays hands upon your head so you might receive the holy spirit {that’s what God brings to the agreement/covenant]

You cannot baptize yourself, nor can you  have just any random person lay hands upon you. Because you are doing this through the Church... Baptism is therefore administered by Jesus Christ... the living, active, high priest… who once again He operates through His church. 

Perseverance in The Truth

A declaration of faith and the passing moment of baptism is only the beginning. That bright and shining moment in your life [when you rise up out of the water] is not the achievement of the goal... its the beginning of working toward the goal. Salvation and eternal life are God's gift to you. But there are expectations: you are expected to stick with the program.  

Matthew 24:12-13 notice one again that false teachers are directly linked to lawlessness. You are to persevere in Godly love and avoid the deceptive appeal of those who teach lawlessness

Some people incorrectly assume that any mention of God’s expectations and conditions means you have to live a life without ever making a mistake. Not so.

When you fall, God wants you to get back up. If you are knocked backwards from time to time, God wants you to start moving forward again. He knows your not perfect… what He wants to see is perseverance.

Revelation 17:12-24 those who are called-->chosen-->and faithful. Here is the complete equation. Calling and being chosen are insufficient... to complete the formula you must demonstrate faithfulness.

God’s Church Helps You in the Face of Adversity

if you have fallen and lost track of which way is up... the church of God is here to help you regain your bearings. If you have been knocked backwards and forgotten which way is forward... you have God's word and the instruction of God's ministry to help you get your compass working again. Jesus Christ, your living and active high priest is working to help you. He operates through the instrument of His church. Let it work for you.

We cannot make your problems "go away"... we can provide the solidarity of knowing you are not alone, you're not crazy, other people of sound mind are engaged in the same work, seeking the same goal, fighting the same battles.

Hebrews 12:1-3

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