United Church of God

Blessings and Curses, Actions and Consequences

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Blessings and Curses, Actions and Consequences

MP3 Audio (13.98 MB)


Blessings and Curses, Actions and Consequences

MP3 Audio (13.98 MB)

A prophetic understanding that helps us make sense of the world is knowing the prophetic identity of the United States and the other major English-speaking nations that are descended from the British Empire. The future of these peoples, both good and bad, was laid out centuries ago in Deuteronomy 28, where God foretold the blessings that would come from obeying Him and the curses that would result from disobeying and rejecting Him. What does this prophetic chapter teach us about where we as a nation are in prophecy, what the nation is experiencing, why we are seeing these things, and where it is leading?

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