United Church of God

Who Is Azazel?

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Who is Azazel?

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Who Is Azazel?

MP3 Audio (10.66 MB)

In the ceremonial Day of Atonement ritual, Leviticus 16 speaks of two goats. One goat, representing the Lord, was sacrificed as the sin offering. Whereas the other goat was for Azazel. Follow along to see who Azazel represents.

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  • Aaron_Alles
    Greetings Mr. Lichtenstein! Thank you for the inquiry and thank you for listening to my message. Indeed, you are correct in that Shalach means to “let go” and/or to “send away”. When applied to humans, it may even have the positive connotation of bidding them farewell. (And in some instances, may also go the opposite direction —i.e. to cast off, dismiss, or divorce). When applied to animals however, especially throughout ancient Arabia, Shalach was primarily used to convey driving livestock from one pasture to another —the primitive root meaning to push away. In a modern sense, one might think of a cattle drive. Therefore, my only intent was to distinguish between walking a dog, for example —from “driving” an individual goat away from its herd. Such may have proven difficult during the mating season. And although this latter point would be impossible to prove —it remains an interesting nuance to consider. Again, thank you for your inquiry. Cheers! Aaron Alles
  • jplhimself
    Mr. Alles, at about minute 8:20 of your message you state, "The Hebrew, however, conveys that the goat is driven or forced into the wilderness." I have looked carefully at several English language translations of Lev. 16 and do not find that the goat was "driven or forced." Scripture says only that it was "let go." (Lev. 16:10, 22 & 26) and "send him away" (Lev. 16:21). Where does the Hebrew convey the thought Azazel was "driven or forced"?
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