United Church of God

Don't Forget Your Calling

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Don't Forget Your Calling

MP3 Audio (36.22 MB)


Don't Forget Your Calling

MP3 Audio (36.22 MB)

In the Bible we read about God repeatedly warning Israel not forget His presence in their lives, including bringing them out of bondage in Egypt. We have been brought out of bondage by God calling us out of the ways of the world. Today we see people who believe there are no absolutes, that each individual makes their own truth. In Revelation we read that there is a true Church and there are many false churches, a fundamental concept that is getting lost today. There are many well-meaning people in the world, but we need to remember there is a difference between human goodness and being called into God's Church. We should never be arrogant about our calling, but rather it should humble us and motivate us to live a life worthy of this gift. We are admonished not to lean on our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge God and He will direct our paths - let's never forget our calling.

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