United Church of God

The Fullness of Time

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The Fullness of Time

MP3 Audio (34.48 MB)


The Fullness of Time

MP3 Audio (34.48 MB)

Have you ever wondered why after Adam and Eve sinned, why did God wait 4,000 years to send a savior? In this sermon Mr. Smith looks at the question, does God have a time table for the plan of salvation he is working out on this earth? There are many references to time in the Bible that we may overlook. When Jesus came to preach the gospel, in Mark 1:15, he said "the time is fulfilled" and in Acts 1 when his disciples asked about the time of the establishment of the kingdom Jesus answered with "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, that the Father has put in his own power." As Jesus neared the time of his death we see time spoken of in "hours" in John 1. Early in his ministry when the Jews tried to take him we are told they could not "because his hour was not yet come." Then when we reach the last days of his life, Jesus told his disciples that "the hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified." John 12:23

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