United Church of God

Cincinnati Brethren Distribute Farm-to-Family Food Boxes

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Cincinnati Brethren Distribute Farm-to-Family Food Boxes

This was made possible due to one section of the “CARES Act” stimulus package in which funding through the U.S. Department of Agriculture supported farmers and distributors to disperse their produce during a time when many restaurants have closed or have greatly reduced their consumption. 

This new Farmers-to-Families Food Box program assisted farmers, distributors and everyday Americans. Boxes were sent to nonprofits, churches and food pantries that serve American families for distribution.

Pastor Steve Myers helped organize the event and mentioned: “It is a wonderful blessing to be able to serve our community through this program and help make a little bit of difference to those in need. It’s an inspiration to see how quickly God’s people came together to help make this happen.”

More than 60 individuals and families volunteered to assist directing traffic, loading cars and restocking boxes. Masked volunteers loaded the desired number of boxes into cars passing through so that the delivery was contactless and those receiving the food could remain in their car. Many took extra boxes for friends, relatives and neighbors.

At the home office focus meeting Monday morning before the event, Peter Eddington drew the employees’ attention to Matthew 25:34-40 in which Jesus commended the righteous for giving Him food when He was hungry, drink when He was thirsty and so on. When they asked him, “Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed you . . . ?” He answered, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”

The Cincinnati congregations took a step in that direction by distributing these food boxes. Due to the great turnout and the immediate and enthusiastic support from local brethren, we plan to make this type of effort a more regular occurrence in the future to support our local community. 

A short video created by Peter Eddington can be found at: https://bit.ly/UCGFoodDrive