United Church of God

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

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Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

MP3 Audio (39.38 MB)


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

MP3 Audio (39.38 MB)

“Give me liberty or give me death.” Those immortal words were made famous by Patrick Henry in a speech to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. The desire for liberty and life in contrast to enslavement and death has been a pursuit of man from time immemorial. Such freedom from oppression is what man’s soul longs for, but the record of history has shown this is rarely exists because man-caused suffering abounds. Why do we fall so short of our ideals? The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a celebration of freedom. True freedom.

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  • lisabee
    Thank you for this sermon! I really like how you referred to the Israelites preferring a “messenger” between them and God as “secondhand commandments”. Truth absolutely is nearly impossible to hold onto.
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