United Church of God

Are You Ready for Passover and Unleavened Bread?

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Are You Ready for Passover and Unleavened Bread?

MP3 Audio (36.7 MB)


Are You Ready for Passover and Unleavened Bread?

MP3 Audio (36.7 MB)

In this sermon Mr. Smith gives us instructions on how to properly prepare for the spring holy days. First of all, we need to examine ourselves to be sure we are ready to properly take the Passover. We need to make sure we have a proper understanding of the sacrifice Jesus made to make the forgiveness of our sins possible. We also need to come to the Passover service in an attitude of humility that is gained by comparing ourselves to Christ not to each other. All of this will also help us to obtain the most from the days of unleavened bread as we continue to learn to live the way of life that will lead us out of sin.

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