United Church of God

A Flock Full of Open and Compassionate Hearts

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A Flock Full of Open and Compassionate Hearts

MP3 Audio (27.41 MB)


A Flock Full of Open and Compassionate Hearts

MP3 Audio (27.41 MB)

God has made many promises to us of blessings now and throughout all eternity. But what can we do for God? When we think of the judgment, we might think of increasing our talents, but in this split sermon Patrick McKee looks at a different area spoken of in the judgment in Matthew 25:35-36. There Jesus speaks of those who are: hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, or in prison. And in verse 40, he says that it will be said in the judgment of those who help those with these needs, "Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it to me." So helping those in need in our congregation is doing something for God.

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