United Church of God

Keys to Prophecy, Part 2

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Keys to Prophecy, Part 2

MP3 Audio (41.01 MB)


Keys to Prophecy, Part 2

MP3 Audio (41.01 MB)

In this sermon Mr. Smith goes into two important keys to understanding Bible prophecy. The first is that prophecy shows TWO comings of the Messiah for two different purposes. The second key is the understanding that there are BOTH physical and spiritual promises made to Abraham and is descendants and that some of these promises are fulfilled more than once.

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  • Lafayette
    Keys to Prophecy, Part 2 by Gary Smith Great sermon I already knew that the restoration of the nation of Israel (composing mainly of the tribe of Judah along with Levi and \Benjamin) wasn't a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. However, what I totally didn't get was that Judah wasn't promised the empirical greatness. That promise was given or is given to Ephraim (England (or Britain)) and Manasseh (the United States). Did I understand this correctly?
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