United Church of God

Ladies Mingle - New Time and Location

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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site

Ladies Mingle - New Time and Location


Hello Ladies!   

At this year’s Feast of Tabernacles in Montego Bay we’re having the “Ladies Mingle,” a special opportunity for all ladies ages 16 and older to get to know each other. The activity will be on Tuesday, September 21 from 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm in the Convention Center (Not the Black River Theater). Dress can be Sabbath wear if you are planning to stay in the meeting room until 1:30 pm services or dressy casual if not.  Note:  There will be no food served at this activity.

Please make plans to attend and meet your sisters in Christ. For the activity, I would like to ask you to bring a small inexpensive gift (wrapped or unwrapped) to share with a new friend you connect with – perhaps a handmade craft, journal, picture frame, colorful set of notecards or – well, it’s up to you! (You need only bring one gift to exchange for this activity.)

Safe travels to the Feast and I look forward to seeing you there!


Alisa Lockhart
Jamaica Festival Team