United Church of God

Binding the Strong Man

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Binding the Strong Man

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Binding the Strong Man

MP3 Audio (23.09 MB)

Satan’s role in introducing sin into our world will be addressed. The strong man will be bound.


Binding the Strong Man

In the present age Satan has been allowed access to humanity. He has used that access to undermine and interfere with human being's development into fully spirit born children of God. Humans are guilty of allowing Satan's influence to lead them into disobedience towards God... but Satan' guilt is unique... it is not shared with any other... no one led him astray... His rebellion against God was of his own imagination.

When Jesus Christ returns to administer the rule of God on earth His first executive action is to depose Satan and confine him so that he has no ability to access or influence humanity for 1,000 years. The source of deception and evil thinking will be removed and the earth will experience what it is like to live without Satan for that 1,000 years.

That removal of Satan is pictured by the 5th biblical festival, the Day of Atonement.

Leviticus 16:20-22 On the day of Atonement the Azazel goat is cast out into the wilderness carrying the sins of the nation of Israel on its head... this is a prophecy of a future moment in history when Satan will be seized by the angelic servants of God, bound, cast into a bottomless pit, and sealed in Isaiah 27:1.

Satan’s role in introducing sin into our world will be addressed. The strong man will be bound.

How Did Satan Get Here?

Isaiah 14:12-15 Satan is present on earth because He rebelled against God and does not repent. God did not destroy Satan at that time... God demoted Satan... sent him into exile [which is one of the figurative meanings of the Hebrew word Sheol]. That place of exile is earth. He is "fallen" from a former position of honor and service in the throne room of God. Previously he had been one of the cherubim who covered the throne of God with their wings.

The Nature of Satan's Fall

Ezekiel 28:12-17 Satan's fall was a loss of status but it was also a moral failure. Satan was created perfect, he was beautiful and had a mind that was capable and creative. But He became corrupted in his mind... he became obsessed with how awesome he was... until he could no longer accept the idea of anyone over and above him... even his creator. He rebelled.

On one hand he was ejected from the throne room of God... on the other hand he departed by his own choice to reject the authority of God.

The Geography of Satan's Fall

Satan fell from honor and glory in heaven to exile and confinement on earth. Scripture does not link Satan with some sort of subterranean underworld. The idea of Satan's realm being some sort of vast system of caves and caverns under the surface of the earth is based on human tradition. In pagan and folk religion evil was connected with the underworld because dead bodies were buried underground. Death was the ultimate evil… death took buried under ground… hence the connection.

People had these ideas and then creatively forced them back into scripture. But the idea is foreign to scripture which clearly depicts Satan [and demons] as active on earth in the realm of the living.

Job 1:6-7 although Satan has been removed from his position of honor in the heavenly throne room of God he still has access to the throne room of God. Here is appears before God along with other angels to make some sort of report on his activities [see also 1 Kings 22:19-23].

Satan is elsewhere described as the accuser. He is allowed to present himself before God to make his accusations. However, his access is controlled... he comes at God's good pleasure... presumably, when summoned.

Luke 10:17-20 the disciples had been assigned to go in advance to all the towns Jesus was planning to visit. When they returned they were very excited at the idea that as mere humans they  were able to exert power over demons when they invoked the authority of Jesus. He tells them what is more important is that they are written into the book of life and have an eternal future to look forward to.

Jesus refers to the demotion and exile of Satan in as a fall from his position in heaven to earth... Jesus also makes it clear by word and by demonstration that whatever authority Satan wields on earth it is not absolute.   

Satan can be overruled by God - Jesus rebukes, over-rules, and drives out demons multiple times to demonstrate this. And as we just read He grants that same over-riding power to his people. You can resist and rebuke the devil in Christ's name and he will flee from you.

Satan has to get permission from God for anything he does to God's chosen - Satan had to get God’s permission before he could afflict Job… Satan had to ask repeatedly that he might be allowed to "sift Peter like wheat"... to uncover every weakness or flaw... to accuse him before God... to undermine Peter's faith. What rescued Peter's was Jesus intervention.

Note: we are all looking forward to the time pictured by the day of Atonement when Satan will be bound and restrained completely... but those of us who believe and are in Christ... we have the power to drive Satan away now by calling upon the superior authority of God. So, call upon Christ to intervene for you!

By the time Satan is thrown into the abyss and sealed over for 1,000 years those who are Christ;s will have already been resurrected... beyond any possible reach of Satan and the power of death. The driving away and binding of Satan prophesied by the day of Atonement is for the sake of those who do not yet believe.

In the verse we read from Luke Jesus  also refers to this falling of Satan as a past event, not a future event.

The Chronology of Satan's Fall

Matthew 25:41 Satan's fall does not all happen at once. Instead there is a sequence of events that move relentlessly forward from the day when that moment when Satan chose to rebel toward that final casting of Satan into the lake of fire.

Even the binding of Satan for 1,000 years as prophesied by the day of Atonement is only a stage… headed toward the completion of Satan's fall Revelation 20:2, 7-10. 

Matthew 8:29 Satan's fall is moving forward in sure and measured steps... like a modern court proceeding which has a sequence: arrest, confinement, hearings, arraignment, trial, sentencing, and punishment.

Satan's moment of rebellion appears to have occurred before Adam. By the time Satan appears to Eve he has already become a liar, accuser and opposed to God... he was also at this  point on earth… the place of his confinement.

Satan's fall moved forward at the time of Christ's coming in the flesh   and His death to pay the penalty for sin.

John 12:31 Jesus demonstrated his suitability to take over the dominion of the earth. He is the second Adam who will fulfill his responsibility without bowing to Satan.

John 16:11 the judgment of Satan has moved forward to sentencing [krino]. The official declaration of an end of Satan's time is connected to the work of Christ that took place in 31 AD. [1980 years ago].

But clearly evil is still present on earth... Satan and demons remained active after the death and resurrection of Christ. The execution of the sentence is yet future.

There appears to be a certain point where Satan's access to the heavenly throne room is terminated Revelation 12:7-13.

Satan and the demons have known they have a limited time to dominate the earth. Since no one but the Father knows the exact time when Christ would return... Satan and the demons also did not know the exact date when they would be removed from their position of power on earth

Prophecy indicates there are key events that must take place leading up to the return of Christ. Satan and the demons know that when that access to God's throne is repealed their time is very short.

Their anger, frustration, and anxiety at seeing their time coming to an end coincides with the end-time sequence... time of tribulation, persecution, the final resurrection of t he beast etc.

From this point to the end God no longer restrains Satan's activity

Satan's case will move forward yet again when Christ returns. Christ has died in the flesh and risen to the fullness of eternal spirit life. He has been designated as the God ordained ruler over the earth and will be inaugurate into office at the appointed time. The strong man is bound 100% for 1,000 years.

Satan's fall will be complete when he is thrown into the lake of fire after the 1,000 period of Christs' rule are ended and after the final period of judgment for human beings.

God's Restraint of Satan

1 Peter 3:19 Satan's is the prince of this world... but this position he currently holds on earth is subordinate to God, but also a form of punishment. The earth is Satan's prison as his case works its way through the courtroom of God 2 Peter 2:4 [tartaros - a place of exile and confinement - refer to Titans of Greek mythology]

Satan is here on the material earth... but he is spirit... to interact with the material world he primarily works through human beings. Note: Satan apparently has the ability to afflict through direct manipulation of physical things [virus, bacteria, natural disaster, etc.]. The most important and spiritually deadly aspects of his dirty deeds is performed through human beings.

This manner of operation is now at work… and has been from the very beginning... but it is especially pronounced during the time of the end. He will work powerfully through:

Government officials: Revelation 13:1-4 beast of the sea

False religious figures: Revelation 13:11 beast of the earth

2 Thessalonians 2:1-11

Verse 1-2 tells us this relates to the time of Christ's return and the resurrection of the saints

Verse 3-4 although the spirit and teaching of lawlessness is present throughout human history... this is telling us about a unique time of rebellion 1) in future 2) close to time of Christ's return

a human being who works together with Satan as an opponent of God... teaching and legislating against God's law [note: its hard to tell if this is the beast of the sea or of the earth]

a human being who exalts himself over God. Satan gets a human being to replicate his own grievous rebellion way back in the throne room of God... and humanity accepts it... remember, they worship the beast!

Verse 5-7 this takes place at a time when there is a lifting of the restraints put upon Satan. The lifting of restraint leads to an all out war with God on earth.

happens at the appointed time

Paul taught about prophecy and considered it important!

Verse 8 Satan and all the systems of human government and religion that are working together with him are exposed and overthrown by Christ at His return.

Verse 9-11 these human authority figures of the end time are puppets of Satan. He works through them to produce powerful deception. Although they are deceived… all humanity is held responsible for acting in accordance with deception.

Restrain Upon Satan is Total

In order to have the peace, prosperity, and joy of pictured by the feast of tabernacles we must first have the complete binding and restraint of Satan pictured and prophesied by the day of Atonement.

Matthew 12:24-29 Christ is coming as king of kings to bind the strong and powerful one who sows confusion, malice, and opposition to God on earth.

The court court case has been heard... the defendant has been found guilty... he will be sent to prison.

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