United Church of God

Is your congregation involved in service or fundraising projects? Let us know!

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Is your congregation involved in service or fundraising projects? Let us know!

Send us an article and photos! Email Good Works Coordinator Lena VanAusdle at lena_vanausdle@ucg.org for more information, or to submit a story.

About Good Works...

Following the directive in Galatians 6:10 to “ . . . do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith,” the Good Works Program is intended to provide an organized way for brethren to help others (primarily those in the Church) who face unusual, emergency situations that could not be anticipated or budgeted for. The intent of the program is to make these situations known to the Church, and to coordinate the distribution of funds that are raised by individuals, congregations or groups in fundraising efforts.

We do not ask that tithes and offerings be directed to this program, for the reasons given above. Instead, if individuals, congregations, or groups within a congregation wish to engage in individual or special fundraising efforts (for example, car washes, garage sales, candy or fruit sales, etc.).

The coordinator will see to it that they are then passed along to the appropriate designees. Once sufficient funds for a particular project or need are received and passed along, that project will be marked complete.