United Church of God

Lessons From the Exodus, Part 5

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Lessons From the Exodus, part 5

MP3 Audio (39.48 MB)


Lessons From the Exodus, Part 5

MP3 Audio (39.48 MB)

In this study Mr. Smith finishes covering the fourth plague and then goes through the next three plagues and starts the eighth plague in Exodus 10. As the plagues increase in the damage done to the land of Egypt we see several things that are present in our time and will even more evident in the time of the end. Pharaoh refused to submit to God's authority even though his people were suffering due to his actions. We see this in our time as leaders push forward their agendas in spite of the suffering of their own people. These plagues clearly show God is in charge and this will be seen in the plagues of Revelation, but again world leaders will not listen to the warnings of the two witnesses. Mr. Smith also points out that these plagues did not take place all at once and may have taken about a year corresponding to the year's length of the day of the Lord.

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