United Church of God

The Real "root" of Our National Problems

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The Real "Root" of Our National Problems

MP3 Audio (45.52 MB)


The Real "root" of Our National Problems

MP3 Audio (45.52 MB)

Just listening to the news, or reading information on the internet… it is obvious that many traditional values are under fierce assault. These include civility, marriage, gender confusion, public school indoctrination, and sinful lifestyles. However, when you think about it… this fierce assault on values is only the effect and not the "cause" of these problems. These attacks are merely a reflection of an assault on something far greater and far more important. What is really under the greatest attack is the 10 Commandments.

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  • Stephen Racz
    Dear Mr. Thomas Just wanted to thank you for your detailed explanation which has now made everything clear and understood. With kind regards Stephen Racz
  • Stephen Racz
    Dear Mr Thomas Thank you for your sermon titled The real root of our national problems. There is something which I would like clarification on. You have made a distinction between the Ten Commandments and the Law of Moses and if I heard you correctly the later was for another time and place and was no longer in effect. If that is so where does that place the Christian in relation to such issues as tithing and the laws of clean and unclean food, Passover and the Holy days. Are not these matters written in the law of Moses? Perhaps I have misheard or misunderstood. Your comments would be appreciated please.
  • Greg Thomas
    Part 2 reply... Animals that God categorized as unclean thousands of years ago also remain unclean in the future (Rev 18:2). Tithing occurs before the Law of Moses. It is discussed as part of the New Covenant in Hebrews chapter 7. If someone wants to know “what” within the New Covenant remains from the Law of Moses, the answer is rather clear. What did the early church continue to observe after the resurrection and ascension of Christ? What is their example? They also had to make some corrections like discontinuing the need for circumcision (Acts 15). However, this also helps us to understand things no longer required. For example, tassels (Numbers 15:38). It is part of the Law of Moses not mentioned in the New Testament. There is no example of their continuance in the New Covenant. We don’t need them to “remember all the commandments of the LORD and do them.” God has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit to do that. Hope this helps to clarify any confusion. Thanks again for your question.
  • Greg Thomas
    Greetings Stephen: Thank you for your question. It is a very good one. In essence, we observe the things you have mentioned because they are part of the New Covenant, observed by the early Church. Please allow me to explain. We observe the New Covenant Passover because Jesus Christ, the messenger of the New Covenant taught His disciples to observe it with new symbols (Matt 26:28), a “foot washing” example {John 13:12), and on a “different evening” that the Jews then… and now observe it. We observe the Sabbath and New Covenant Holy Days because the book of Acts in numerous places shows Paul and others continuing to respect these days decades after the death/resurrection of Jesus. Paul himself tells the gentile believers in Corinth to continue to observe the Passover and spring Holy Days about 25-YEARS after the death/resurrection of Jesus (1 Cor 5:7-8). Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 11:1 (NKJV) Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. Similar to the 10 Commandments… “unclean meats” were designated before the time of Moses. Noah was instructed to recognize the difference (Gen 7:2,8). He took more pairs of clean animals so they could eat them. See Part 2
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