United Church of God

You Are Not Skiing Blind: God Is Our Guide: Day 5 of the 2022 Feast of Tabernacles, Montego Bay, Jamaica

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You Are Not Skiing Blind: God is Our Guide

Day 5 of the 2022 Feast of Tabernacles, Montego Bay, Jamaica

MP3 Audio (20.56 MB)


You Are Not Skiing Blind: God Is Our Guide: Day 5 of the 2022 Feast of Tabernacles, Montego Bay, Jamaica

MP3 Audio (20.56 MB)

Using the story of a blind Olympic skier, we will look at how God guides us through our trials and through our trust and faith in Him, we can finish the race God has called us to begin and receive not a gold medal, but the crown of righteousness.

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