United Church of God

2022 Feast of Tabernacles: Búzios, Brazil

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2022 Feast of Tabernacles

Búzios, Brazil

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From three different countries—Brazil, United States and Portugal—31 brethren gathered together to observe the Feast in the beautiful Búzios Beach Resort in southern Brazil. For six brethren, it was their very first Feast. There were five baptisms on the first day of the Feast.

In addition, 33 brethren from northern Brazil (Maloca de Moscou) joined the festival services via Zoom. There were also connections from Portugal.

Services were given in English with a simultaneous Portuguese translation. Many bridged the translation barrier by using the Google Translate app, which proved to be an enormous source of communication. God’s Spirit was an evident binding force.

The messages were excellent, covering the meaning of the Feast to the meaning of the Last Great Day. The many practical Christian living subjects included God’s plan of salvation in its phases, God’s Holy Days in the Bible before Sinai and their implication for us today, how we can be blessed by God, how we are God’s people, the promises to the seven churches of Revelation and how they apply to us, the reciprocal favors of God, our marital responsibilities, our responsibility to our Lord and Master, how we can affect our future by the kind of living sacrifice we are, the importance of keeping the second tithe and how to live a balanced life in the days after the Feast.

Organized activities included a scenic dune buggy ride through Búzios, which included stops along the beautiful beaches and a relaxing boat ride along the Búzios coastline. Both activities were enjoyed by everyone.

A ladies’ afternoon proved to be a big success, coordinated by Laura Macedo. Some of the experiences shared brought many to tears.

Nearly 1,500 brethren were also able to travel to Luanda, Angola (a satellite site for Brazil) to attend the Feast together. An additional large number of brethren had to attend in other satellite sites due to various challenges including transportation. A new Feast site near Rio de Janeiro, but more modest and economical, has been booked for next year.

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