United Church of God

Compass Check Magazine

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Compass Check Magazine

Compass Check is a biblically based magazine for young people of the United Church of God, an International Association (UCGIA). Our name, Compass Check, refers to pointing your spiritual compass toward God. Our goal is to inspire readers to respond to the gospel message. Compass Check is published quarterly by the United Church of God, 555 Technecenter Drive, Milford, OH 45150. ©2022, United Church of God, an International Association. Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without written permission is prohibited. All scriptures quoted from New King James Version unless noted. Publisher: UCGIA |Email: compasscheck@ucg. org. | Unsolicited materials: Due to staffing limitations, unsolicited materials sent to Compass Check will not be critiqued or returned. By their submission authors agree that submitted materials become the property of the United Church of God, an International Association, to use as it sees fit. This agreement is controlled by California law.

@COMPASSCHECK For spiritual tidbits and uplifts, follow on Instagram!

Do you have ideas for Compass Check? Maybe an article you’d like to read or even better—write! Submit your articles to compasscheck@ucg.org. We’ll consider your article for future issues of Compass Check!
