United Church of God

Loving People of the World

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Loving People of the World

MP3 Audio (51.08 MB)


Loving People of the World

MP3 Audio (51.08 MB)

Speaker: Troy Phelps Date: 1/26/23 The world is rapidly going astray. We can see from God’s Word that many of the decisions people are making are clearly wrong, but are we able to continue to love people who are sinning? In this sermon, we will examine one parable and one example of Jesus Christ to learn from His tremendous example where each of us can have blind spots in loving people. Please Note: Additional messages given in the SF Bay Area congregation may be searched by date, presenter name &/or title at https://www.ucg.org/sermons/all?group=San%20Francisco%20Bay%20Area,%20CA

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  • MeeMee Craig
    There are many antichrist out there and even some Satan worshippers, you know? Even whitches and such. I think I would stay away from them if they needed help. Would that be wrong of me?
  • Troy Phelps
    Hi MeeMee Craig, There are definitely situations that exist where it would either be unsafe and unwise to enter. In my sermon, I certainly was not talking about putting ourselves in unsafe/unwise situations (physically or spiritually) and discernment and God's Spirit is necessary at times. The sermon was about identifying people that we had difficulty loving, even though they may be caught up in Satan's evil system and world that he rules. Someone could have a "wicken" coworker that they may need to love as a person. That wouldn't mean they would want to have anything to do with their false religious beliefs, etc... Please reach out to me at troy_phelps@ucg.org if you would like to discuss in more detail.
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