United Church of God

Cast out of Heaven

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Cast Out of Heaven

MP3 Audio (62.43 MB)


Cast out of Heaven

MP3 Audio (62.43 MB)

What Explains the present state of the world? This sermon explores the history of an ancient event and its effect on our present world.

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  • Steve Buchanan
    Dear Linda: I think I referenced in the message that communication between the devil and God is possible without him making an appearance before God’s throne. I did not know it until after the sermon, but another member pointed out this commentary on our web site, which I agree with. Here is the link: https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/bible-commentary/bible-commentary-job-1-2 You may have to copy the URL and paste it into your search engine.. I also think it is essential to view Revelation 12 as both historical and prophetic . Also, when studying these verses, it is important to understand that each verse isn’t necessarily a progressive , linear, chronological timeline. I believe Satan has always accused the brethren, and mankind, in general. Please feel free to write to me to continue the discussion: Stevekbuchanan@me.com
  • LarryKo
    Mr. Buchanan, A very informative sermon. It is amazing to see that everything in this world is designed to destroy mankind, even the “well meaning” people. The contrast between God’s way and Satan’s way could not be clearer. The Mr Peabody reference made me laugh. Larry Kotur
  • Steve Buchanan
    Dear Larry: Thanks for your note. “Rocky and Bullwinkle” — the golden age of cartoons, with Mr. Peabody, Dudley Doright and Boris and Natasha were informative and funny. For bonus content, write me @ stevekbuchanan@me.com Thanks again, Larry. Steve B.
  • Linda Graby
    Thank you so much for this excellent sermon! Some of your comments on Lucifer’s fall have given me a lot of food for thought, which I always appreciate. My question though, is that Satan is referred to as the accuser of the brethren, which leads me to think that he is still allowed to come before God in order to accuse us. Could you elaborate on this? I agree completely with your thoughts on Satan’s fate, and was very appreciative of your comments.. Your explanation makes complete sense. Thank you, too, for your strong words regarding the end-time one world government that is almost upon us. We need to hear strong sermons like this more often!
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