United Church of God

Is the Holy Spirit Part of the Trinity?

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Is the Holy Spirit Part of the Trinity?

MP3 Audio (54.26 MB)


Is the Holy Spirit Part of the Trinity?

MP3 Audio (54.26 MB)

Tertulian, a Turkish African from Carthage in 196 AD is credited for the term, Trinity and this is what he said. “We worship Unity in Trinity and Trinity in Unity neither confounding the person nor dividing the substance. There is one person of the father, another of the son, and another of the Holy Ghost, but the Godhead of the father, and the son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one. The glory is equal and the majesty is coeternal.” THIS IS A FALSE TEACHING AND FEEL FREE TO LISTEN IN AND DISCOVER WHAT THE BIBLE ACTUALLY SAYS.

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  • alexa.flybird@hotmail.com
    Great sermon! This is why we must have a love of the truth by researching, seeking God's face.
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