United Church of God

Proof of God and the Bible Part 2

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Proof of God and the Bible Part 2

MP3 Audio (14.71 MB)


Proof of God and the Bible Part 2

MP3 Audio (14.71 MB)

Part of the proof of God and the Bible can be found in the laws governing food in Leviticus. Each unclean animal has a disease, parasite or worm that is extremely difficult to kill by cooking. Without God this information was impossible for any human being at that time to know. How did Moses know the blood is necessary to every cell of the body? He didn't know that, it was by inspiration! These are only a couple of examples of things that could not be discovered scientifically until many, many years later. There is undeniable proof that God inspired the Bible. Enjoy this riveting sermon concluding Part 2 of Proof of God and the Bible.

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