United Church of God

Bible Study: the Plan, Purpose and Providence of God

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Bible Study: The Plan, Purpose and Providence of God

MP3 Audio (42.05 MB)


Bible Study: the Plan, Purpose and Providence of God

MP3 Audio (42.05 MB)

This study will identify some of the major doctrinal teachings that distinguish the Church of God from the religious world and the necessity for preaching and teaching those doctrines. The study will explain the plan and purpose of God in bringing sons and daughters to glory in the family of God. It will explain why the plan of salvation was ordained, which will include how God and the Word are love, and the sheer genius nature of the plan of salvation as to how mortal human beings can become immortal through a begettal and birth process. Jesus gave up His glory to become the only begotten Son of God and became the first spirit-born being among many brethren through the resurrection from the dead introducing a new order of spirit beings. The saints will go through the same process of begettal and birth in becoming sons/daughters of God in the family of God. As spirit-born beings they are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.

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