United Church of God

Lessons Learned From Widows

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Lessons Learned From Widows

MP3 Audio (45.62 MB)


Lessons Learned From Widows

MP3 Audio (45.62 MB)

Every generation believes they got it right, but certain wisdom only comes from age. This shows us that the older generation can teach the younger generation. In this message, we will discuss lessons learned from widows and widowers.

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  • Karen Buchkowski
    Thank you, Mr. Martin. My focal point is that no matter our circumstances, there are no excuses for neglecting prayer and Bible study. That relationship with our Father and His Son is priceless, and cannot be neglected if we wish to offset the influences of Satan and the world we live in.
  • Karen Buchkowski
    Relevant and insightful sermon, Mr. Martin. Thrice a widow in 3 separate seasons of life, I have never been taken advantage of or mistreated in any way by fellow members, but have often felt marginalized as have many of my fellows. One inaccurate generalization I would like to correct, losing a spouse does not necessarily make one less busy and thus able to spend more time in prayer, fasting and Bible study. It does render us more acutely aware of the need for it, regardless how busy, for ourselves and for others. Each spouse fulfills specific roles, and therefore the one left alone must take responsibility for both in many cases. Most of the many widows I know continue to serve their families, the Church, and their communities with diligence in a variety of ways, and remain as busy /distracted as ever. Because of our disadvantages, we know “God is our refuge and strength…” (Ps. 46:1)
  • Len Martin
    Karen, Your point is well taken. We might not often consider the extra burdens and responsibilities placed upon young widows who may still have children to raise and many other duties. Thank you for making this point!
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