United Church of God

May 21, 2023 - Charles Melear Update - St. George Feast Site

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

May 21, 2023 - Charles Melear Update - St. George Feast Site

​​​​​​​If you are receiving this email, then most likely you are registered for St. George and waiting to hear a final status on the site contractually. Many people this last week have been asking about the current status. 

This announcement is on the St. George Feast webpage and remains current and accurate. 

"We still don’t have a contract with Utah Tech University in St. George, Utah. This will be the third consecutive year at the university, so we expect the process to complete soon. However, it is recommended that members not make housing reservations until the contract is finalized—or at least not to make non-refundable housing arrangements." 

Working with a state university can be complex and the person we have worked with in the past left that position about 2 months ago and moved out of state.  We are working with 2 different departments within Utah Tech University, plus we are dealing with the schedule for the next university year starting in late summer.  A replacement has only been hired in the last couple of weeks and is learning the job.  The manager at the Cox Auditorium has worked with us the last 2 years and is trying to assist the new person.   She wrote me on Friday, May 19 and here is her comment. 

I will be handling the contracting of your event on campus. Mataya, who was the coordinator for this event, has left the university.  I would like to reassure you that your dates are on the calendar on my side and I’ll be sending the contract shortly. I’m touching base with each department again to make sure we have the most accurate estimate for you. Your event does use several spaces on campus so I just want to make sure that I have everything covered before I send you all the paperwork."  

When something changes you will be immediately updated. 

Charles Melear  
United Church of God  
Conference Planner  
(970) 484-5878 office / home  
(972) 279-3347 mobile  
