United Church of God

Keep All The Commandments

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Keep All The Commandments

MP3 Audio (17.51 MB)


Keep All The Commandments

MP3 Audio (17.51 MB)

Moses relates God’s desire for His people, Israel, in Deuteronomy 4:5-6. We look at the story of the Queen of Sheba in 1 Kings 10 as a type of fulfillment of God’s desire. Then we look the importance to God of keeping all of His commandments. God’s plan for obedience of all His commandments by the Israelites and by extension by all mankind has been “on hold” since Israel left Egypt in the Exodus. We look at examples of that and then the reason for disobedience and lawlessness. Finally, we look at the solution – the Holy Spirit. The message ends by showing how the firstfruits of the new covenant are the first segment of God’s people to be able to fulfill Deuteronomy 4:5-6.

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