United Church of God

Christmas Breaks all Ten Commandments and Hides God’s Plan of Salvation

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Christmas Breaks all Ten Commandments and Hides God’s Plan of Salvation

MP3 Audio (88.52 MB)


Christmas Breaks all Ten Commandments and Hides God’s Plan of Salvation

MP3 Audio (88.52 MB)

Christmas did not come from the Bible. It originated in Greece and has roots all the way back to Babylon. It is not based on Truth. It is unrighteous because breaks all 10 Commandments and it is deceptive as it hides God’s glorious Plan of Salvation. It is part of the mystery of lawlessness of Babylon the great, which is already at work. It is strong delusion which many believe in and there is a lot more to follow (2 Thessalonians 2:7, 10-11). “Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and receive of her plagues” (Rev 18:4).

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