United Church of God

Bible Study: January 24, 2024: Intro to Ezra/Nehemiah; Nehemiah 1-2: Building the Temple and Challenges Faced

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Bible Study: January 24, 2024

Intro to Ezra/Nehemiah; Nehemiah 1-2: Building the Temple and Challenges Faced

MP3 Audio (58.25 MB)


Bible Study: January 24, 2024: Intro to Ezra/Nehemiah; Nehemiah 1-2: Building the Temple and Challenges Faced

MP3 Audio (58.25 MB)

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah chronicle the return of the Jews to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and walls of Jerusalem, which were destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. Fulfilling a prophecy from Isaiah, they return and face physical and spiritual challenges from which we can learn valuable lessons for the times we live in, as we are building the spiritual temple Christ will return to. This Study contains the questions from participants during and after the Bible Study.

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